Not too long ago, God began planting a dream in Bo's heart about becoming a rancher/farmer. He never thought it would be possible. His job is secure. We have great insurance. I get to stay home with the boys. He only has to work 40 hours a week, which left him time to do his cattle hobby. Well God continued to push him. Bo couldn't see how it was possible. He is very logical. He has done the math many times. He is an he didn't think it was time yet and didn't know if there would ever be a time...until the Lord got a hold of him. One day as he was out taking care of the animals, he was arguing with God. He was telling Him how he knew he wasn't supposed to be sitting in a cube for his whole life, and this is what he loved to do so why couldn't he do it??? Why was it taking so long and why why why??? God replied, "Go." Bo didn't quite know what to do with that. God reminded him of the story of Abraham and how he told him to go and move his family and everything he had and that God would provide the rest. So, he came in from working that day and said, "We are putting our house on the market. God told me to go." So we put our house on the market and it was sold in a month.
Remember that 347 acres in Kentucky that Back Hills Farm bought last year...well Kentucky here we come! We are now Back Hills Farm! We have built a house there and will be moving in the next couple weeks! We will be expanding our cow and goat herd and adding pigs, a milk cow, chickens, and whatever else Bo thinks will be productive on that farm! We will be planning a quarterly trip to take meat to our loyal customers here in Ohio and Fort Wayne IN. And soon we will be offering pork and chickens and eggs!
This was about a month ago, but I don't have any recent pics. I will add them once I get there again.
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view from my kitchen window |
PS- Miss Bella is doing very well. She's eating like a sumo baby and it's completely amazing. Another provision. Praise the Lord!
I might need to become a regular customer too! I would love to see you guys now and then. Gods blessings to you and your family!