Sounds like an easy task right? I think not! I think that's why the psalmist adds, "be strong! take heart!" It's like he's saying, this isn't going to be easy, so pull on your boots and dig your heels in. This may take a while. All throughout scripture it seems that people are waiting on the Lord to move on their behalf. They want their prayers answered and they want them answered now. If they have to wait, many end up doing things on their own and the outcome is not good. For those who do wait on His perfect timing end up having an amazing story of faith and are blessed. Tons of stories in the Bible reflect the blessing of waiting on the Lord. Some wait for days, some for years, some forever...but because of their faithfulness the next generation was blessed.
The dictionary defines wait, "to stay in a place of expectation." How interesting. I would have said something more like, excruciating and annoyingly wanting something so badly and not getting it until due time. Because for me waiting is difficult. Maybe it's because I'm 7 months pregnant and already I'm counting down the days until this baby gets OUT! I'm expectantly waiting, but sometimes complaining too. I know it's coming, I know the result of this wait is going to be a blessing beyond comprehension, but it's still hard.
There's a change coming in Bo and I's life and we are having trouble waiting. Some days it feels like it will never happen. Some days we are despairing and whining to God. Then are the moments where we have this peace that it will come to pass, it's just not going to be in our timing. God is going to work His perfect plan and we need to sit back and let Him fulfill it. I heard a word from the Lord about a year ago when I was praying about this certain situation. He said, "Watch and see what I'm gonna do." So here we are, still waiting, seeing the things that He has put into motion and understanding more the meaning behind that. There are things that have happened that was completely the Lord's doing. Things where we would try to butt in and make things work, and He totally keeps reminding us that it's not going to work unless He's in it. He said to watch what He's gonna do. How exciting! His work is perfect! His work is excellent! I don't want to mess that up.
Are you waiting? Stay in that place of expectation! Keep praying and know that He is faithful to complete His work. It's never early and it's never too late.
Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.
Isaiah 30:18
Therefore the
Lord shall renew
their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall
run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
But they who wait for the